Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Two-DDesign Greensheet


Classes Meets: 6:30 PM – 9:20 PM Tuesday and Thursday in Room A93

Email: alliebarbara@fhda.edu My Phone Number: 408.864.3524 Top of ForBottom of Form

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works“, a quote from one of the most revolutionary entrepreneurs of all time, Steve Jobs; is quite clearly the framework for the success achieved by Apple throughout the years.


A foundation course in the use of fundamental design elements and principles for two-dimensional


PREREQUISTE: Arts 4A. Advisory: English Writing 211 and Reading 211 (or Language Arts 211), or English as a Second Language 272 and 273; Arts 4B, 4D, and 8

REQUIRED BOOK: “Design Basics” , David A. Lauer and Stephen Pentak

ISBN-13: 978-0-495-50139-8


Each class will begin with a lecture, demonstration and or discussion. There will be at least one drawing assigned each day, and with short exercises at the beginning of class. Extra time will be allocated for more advanced figure drawings.


I expect all of you to be respectful of myself, of your peers and of the learning environment and to take responsibility for your own actions and behaviors. Any behavior that interferes with either (1) my ability to conduct the class or (2) the ability of other students (or yourself) to profit from the instructional program will not be tolerated.

This includes:

  • Arriving late to class.
  • Disruptive entrances and exits during lecture, if you must leave early, or arrive late, do so quietly.
  • Carrying on personal conversations while I am lecturing.
  • You must stay the full length of the class time or points will be deducted!


· I reserve the right to make changes to my syllabus at any time.

· It is the responsibility of the student to attend class and keep informed on any changes or new information given during lecture.

· If you miss class, you will need to ask a peer for missed information.

· If you miss an exam, quiz or other assignment, and you have a valid excuse, you must bring proof of your valid excuse with you or I will not even consider your request to make up the missed work.

It is the responsibility of the student to drop classes! If you decide you do not want to take this class and fail to drop, you could receive a grade of F at the end of the quarter. This grade is the bad because it makes you appear irresponsible.


1. Learn basic design principles as it relates to drawing from life.

2. Demonstrate an understanding of the terminology, tools, and techniques used in life drawing process.

3. Knowledge that drawing is both a “tool and an end product”

4. Plan and produce effective drawings demonstrating skills and an understanding with regard to skeletal frame of the figure.

5. Create Sketch Book of figure drawings from life and book


On successful completion of this course students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the creative process: planning, intuition, execution, evaluation, and express verbally how designs are made.
  • Understand design basics and how these principles may add to your creativity.
  • Learn about visual perception and the concept of Gestalt
  • Ways to achieve unity, variety as well as design elements such as line, shape


1. Student’s ability to solve design problems

2. Projects that demonstrate an understanding of various elements and principles of drawing the figure.

3. Portfolio of all course work.

4. Demonstration of growth! Are you improving and developing new ideas and skills?

5. How well you clean up after yourself and adhere to cleaning policies.

6. Failure to submit assignments or late submissions

7. Effort, neatness, professional appearance, working diligently and with focus

8. Punctuality and handing in all required work on time.

9. Class participation: sharing ideas in class discussions and critiques, alertness, following instructions, being respectful and cooperative in the classroom


1,000 possible points

Knowledge of design basics and materials = 150 points

Class Projects= 500 points

Final Project= 200 points

Test = 100 points (the tests may be written or special assignments)

Class participation = 50 points


Your earned grade will depend on the effort you put into class participation, assignments, quizzes, and your final project. Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the designated date. All written work must be typed, and proofread before it is submitted.

1000 points – 800 = A

800 points – 600 = B

600 points – 500 = C

500 points – 400 = D

400 points – 200 = F


If unable to attend class, it is your responsibility to get the missing assignments from peers. I would advise you to get the name and email of another student in class within the first two or three days of class.

FINAL PROJECT (It is mandatory that you be in attendance during the final day – no exceptions). If unable to attend for approved explanation, then a five-page term paper may be substituted for the same number of points. The topic however, will need to be approved beforehand.

Students are to present examples of their assignments created during the quarter in class. I will discuss this in more detail as the final draws near


Participation grades will be determined by 1) the quality and quantity of class exercises and course activities completed and 2) participation in class.

Additional descriptive material and course content will be presented as the courses proceeds. Please feel free to contact instructor about all concerns related to this class. Should you want to talk on a one on one basis please email me at the above address.

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