Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chapters to Ouline for the rest of the class.

We do not have enough time to outline all of the chapters in the book. So, I have come up with a list of those chapters I feel are the most important for you to cover.

They are Chapters 5, 6, 7, 9 and 12. Although color is an important chapter. that material will be covered in Color and Design that is offered at DeAnza too, so I am not requiring that you cover that material.

I hope this helps you to plan your time in completing the outlines.

There are normally two different types of texture that artists use concerned with. They are: Actual and Implies textures.

Your next assignment is to create another collage – this time, I would like for you use different textures to create your design.

Before you begin, please read the two pages on texture starting on page 180.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Collage Assignment

Silkscreen Collage by Robert Rauschenberg.

You are to select a minimum of seven images and make a collage. Your artwork should be at least 11"' tall and 81/2" wide. Select your images form magazines and use glue stick to paste them on your new art board. This project will be due on Wednesday of this week.